A team of Montana Tech Environmental 工程 students were awarded the Most Applicable Technology and Best Poster at the 22nd Annual Environmental Design Contest held May 1-4, 2012 at 新墨西哥 State University in Las Cruces, 新墨西哥. WERC’s Environmental Design Contest is a unique event that brings together industry, government and academia in the search for improved environmental solutions.


Members of the 2012 设计团队 were Caitlin Brown, 内森·狄龙, 凯拉·莱斯特, 凯文Tweten, 闫培喜. The team’s advisor was Rajendra Kasinath. The students designed a protocol and web-based evaluation tool, based on their experiments over six months, for validating water hardness removal technologies and products.

The event challenges students to solve technical problems ranging from validation of water treatment technology to improving product stewardship. For the contest, students present and demonstrate their research and design solutions. The proposed solutions provide opportunities to address concerns about water, 能源, 还有环境.

All teams prepare four different presentations: written, 口服, a bench-scale model and poster, 作为比赛的一部分. The students were judged by environmental professionals representing government, 工业界和学术界.
