化学 & 生物楼(CBB
电话: 406-496-4725



Dr. 朋友 is a Professor and the Director of Restoration at 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 (生物科学系). 他拥有农业硕士学位和博士学位.D. 生物学/植物生态学. His main research focus has always been the study of the flora and vegetation of disturbed habitats, 包括农业和城市地区. 这促使他从事生态恢复和植物入侵的研究. He was awarded by prestigious research grants such as the Fulbright Research Grant and the Marie Curie Research Fellowship. He was recently elected as vice president of the Montana Native Plant Society.

Dr. 帕尔负责监督 生态修复硕士项目, 恢复证书,和 本地植物恢复计划  在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学. 除了多个修复项目, he is part of several national and international research projects mainly in biological 入侵s.



作为一名植物学家和植物生态学家. 朋友 is fascinated by one of the fundamental questions in ecology: what interactions determine plant distribution and abundance? 这决定了他在植物生态学和生态恢复方面的研究.


Much of his research has involved large-scale field experiments to address how abiotic and biotic interactions influence community composition and diversity in anthropogenically impacted and restored habitats. 除了基于分类学的方法, he is particularly interested in how environmental conditions and human impacts influence functional organization of plant communities.

他的另一大部分研究集中在入侵生物学上. 在这里,他研究入侵植物物种的进化变化.g. 一枝黄花gigantea, Conyza黄花), 还有新奇的植物——植物, 农学会, plant-microorganisms and plant-herbivore interactions arising from new 入侵s on a transcontinental scale.

  • 恢复受采矿影响的景观
  • 监控
  • 修复种子混合设计
  • 土壤种子库
  • 植物修复
  • 生物地理学,表型可塑性
  • Plant-plant, 农学会, plant-microorganisms and plant-herbivore interactions
  • 竞争,多样性丧失
  • 生态耕地、葡萄园
  • 杂草分类
  • 植物区系和植被制图
  • Phytosociological数据库
  • 杂草群落(耕地、葡萄园和原始栖息地)
  • 红色名单

荣誉 & 奖

  • Merit Award for Exceptional Achievement in Teaching, Service, and Scholarship (2020)
  • Rose and Anna Busch 教师 Achievement Award for Teaching and Scholarship Excellence (2020)
  • 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学杰出研究员奖(2018)
  • Marie Curie Research Fellowship (帕森斯大学, University of Montana, 2012-2015)
  • Fulbright Researcher Award in the USA (University of Montana, Missoula, 2009)


  • 终身副教授,修复主任(2021-)
  • 副教授,修复主任(2018-2021)
  • 助理教授,修复主任(2015-2018)
  • 生态学系副教授(2013-2015)
  • Assistant professor, 植物系统与地球植物学系 (2007-2013)
  • 教授的助理, 植物系统与地球植物学系 (2006-2007)
  • 教授的助理, 帕森斯大学, 生物研究所, 植物系统与地球植物学系, 2006-2007
  • 研究助理,匈牙利科学院(2003-2006)


  • 修复I (2015-)
  • 修复研讨会(2015-)
  • 修复II (2016-)
  • 修复现场实习(2016-)
  • 修复顶点(2016-)
  • 生境分型原则(2017-)
  • 现场修复方法(2020-)
植物学家和植物生态学家. 罗伯特·帕尔,菲律宾十大彩票平台大学


博士的观点. 朋友的 ResearchGate 页面.

伊维.U.(美国).S.J.卡拉威·R.M., Henn T.菲力普·R., 朋友 R.W. (2022): Intense mowing management suppresses invader but shifts competitive resistance by a native to facilitation. 恢复生态学 30(1): e13483 DOI: 10.1111 /娱乐.13483

Filep R.,兰格耶尔.库克B. J.,法卡斯Á.纳吉·K.纳吉·D. U.,林丽Á., Czakó-Vér K., 朋友R.W. (2021): 向日葵Helianthus tuberosus at home and away: stronger ecological impacts in invaded than in native range are not explained by arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. Preslia 93: 363–376. DOI: 10.23855 / preslia.2021.363

廖H., 朋友R.W., ninemets Ü.Bahn M.B.E.L.、彭思. (2021): Different functional characteristics can explain different dimensions of plant 入侵 success. 生态学杂志: 109:1524–1536. 廖H. 和朋友R.W. 共同第一作者. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13575

伊维.U.(美国).S.J., Henn T.K.Stranczinger Sz., 朋友R.W. (2020):我们做的越多,得到的越少? 平衡管理的努力和效率 一枝黄花gigantea 入侵? 杂草研究[60:232-240] doi: 10.1111 / wre.12417

Osabutey一.佐卓罗·K.马克斯·P., 朋友R.W. (2020):温室土壤种子库激活研究, 表明改善修复结果的潜力. 生态修复. 38(4): 228-236.  DOI: 10.3368/er.38.4.228

朋友R.W.——马龙·J.L.马里兰州纳吉(Nagy.U.沃勒·P.W., toto A.廖海.卡拉威·R.M. (2020): What happens in Europe stays in Europe: apparent evolution by an invader does not help at home. 生态: 101(8):e03072.  DOI: 10.1002 / ecy.3072

伊维.U.Stranczinger Sz.高迪·A.魏兹A.罗彻C.苏达·J.玛丽亚诺·M., 朋友R.W. (2017):较高的倍性水平是否会增加入侵风险? 两种地细胞型的案例研究 一枝黄花gigantea 爱(菊科). 植物生态学杂志 11(2): 317-327.

马龙J.L.、罗伟.卡拉威·R.M., 朋友R.W. (2015): Do exotic plants lose resistance to pathogenic soil biota from their native range? 一个测试 一枝黄花gigantea. 环境科学 179: 447-454.

朋友R.W.,陈思.纳吉·D.U.卡拉威·R.M. (2015):的影响 一枝黄花gigantea 在其他物种在国内和国外. 生物入侵 17: 3317-3325.

Henn T.雅各布·S., D·伊.U., 朋友R.W. (2014): Desiccated diaspores from building materials: methodological aspects of processing mudbrick for archaeobotanical studies and first results of a study of earth buildings in southwest Hungary. 植被史与古植物学 24(3): 1-14.

沙米. A卡拉威·R.M., T.众议院议员G. R, 朋友R.W.、小S.、罗伟.罗彻C.、雷石Z. A, Khasa D.P.,陈思. (2014): Conyza黄花 suppresses plant diversity in its nonnative ranges but not at home: a transcontinental comparison. 新植物学家 202(4): 1286-1296.

朋友R.W.,塞特·S., Botta-Dukát Z.Pinke G. (2013): Composition and Diversity of Lawn Flora in Differently Managed Village Yards – A Case Study from Southwestern Hungary. 叶形线地 48(2):209-227.

朋友R.W.Pinke G., Botta-Dukát Z., Campetella G.——Bartha S., Kalocsai R.,兰格耶尔. (2013): Can management intensity be more important than environmental factors? A case study along an extreme elevation gradient from Central Italian cereal fields. 植物生物系统 147(2):343-353.

卡拉威R.M.沃勒·L.P.A., 朋友R.柯林斯A. R.米勒-舍雷尔H.——马龙·J. L. (2011):逃避竞争:邻居减少 矢车菊属stoebe 在主场表现,而不是在客场. 生态 92(12): 2208-2213.

朋友R.W. (2011): Echinaria性 (Seslerieae,禾本科),匈牙利植物区系的一个新草种. 匈牙利植物学报 53(1–2): 175–180.

Pinke G., 朋友R.W., Tóth K., Karácsony., Czúcz., Botta-Dukát Z. (2011):罂粟(果实) fields in Hungary: Effects of management and environmental factors on species composition. 杂草研究 51: 621-630.


罗伯特是一位充满激情的摄影师. 他的照片可以在 http://www.flickr.com/photos/robertpal. 他还喜欢远足、滑雪、划皮艇、钓鱼和烹饪.